Thursday, 10 April 2014

LO4 Task 1: Editing logs and Evidence Of Storage

I took part in the editing process within our group as I helped the team in many sections in the trailer. I used Adobe Premiere to edit our trailer and followed both the conventions and our teams original ideas for the trailer itself.

As you can see, the bottom left corner of the above image are the "bins", which contain the images and footage we want to import into our project. We named all the bins to match what footage is in each one, the one shown is named "Basement" as it contains all the footage we took down in the UTC basement.

The top half of the screen is the video section of our project where we would put all the hours of clops we had taken from many locations into certain "bins" to arrange them, this is what it would like. At the bottom of the screen is a clip taken from the first location we filmed at, at the bottom of the image it shows the rolls of clips aligned and music we were editing.

The bottom area, the workspace, shows the cut footage, effects, and music we were using, with different layers allowing clips and sounds to overlap one another. this was a scene we were editing  where Wilson "Connor" (in gray) and Luke "Ronnie" (in black) are heading toward the flat to take drugs.

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